Friday, October 5, 2012

Long Time, No See!

Good afternoon Reader,

    First: I wish to apologize for my recent extended absence. I have been ridiculously busy preparing for an upcoming Army Training Event that I am participating in, as well as adjusting to a new schedule at work (I can be shomer shabbos again!).

   As of late I have been teaching myself conversational Hebrew via Pimsleur's Hebrew which is a fantastic program for Hebrew by the way! I really do enjoy it, and my Hebrew is coming along swimmingly. It's also made my reading Hebrew smoother as I am recognizing words again, and understanding tenses far better than I did (I didn't have a steady grasp before).

   I hope you all had a fantastic Rosh HaShonnah, Yom Kippur, and are having a beautiful Sukkot! I went downtown to a public Sukkah and met some acquaintances of mine, and got my mitzvah in for for today. If you have a chance, I implore everyone to seek a Sukkah out, or make one. Go to one, pray the blessings, shake the lulav, eat, learn, celebrate, and be happy! This is a happy time for us. Monday is the start of Simcha Torah so go to your Synagogue and celebrate and rejoice in our Torah!

   I am currently working on a couple of projects that I find very essential. Not just for my own betterment of  creating a firm foundation in Torah, but for you as well.

   I do have a couple of topics to touch on soon. I am hoping to get to at least one of them by next Tuesday, but I leave for my Army Leadership Course next Thursday, and I have a lot yet to do. I'll be gone for two weeks, and I hope everything will be as successful as I believe it will be. HaShem will watch over me, of that I am sure.

   I will end it here now. I am sorry for the short, and largely unimportant post. I just wanted to make sure taht my readers knew that I was still around, and keeping you all in mind.

CHAG SAMEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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