Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Time To Talk - "Without words, we cannot reach understanding."

     Well, it has been some time since my last posting. For that, dear reader, I apologize. Lots have happened in recent weeks to include not just arduous Army Leadership training, but also the birth of my brand new baby boy, Towa Michael D.Y. who brings a new light into our shining and ever growing family (we are now 4, hehe).

     As you know, there has been a lot of chaos going on in Eretz Israel. It pains me to see both Jew and Palestinian suffering over there. The real victims are the civilians caught in the middle of all of this, and what is worse is that the media are fueling the fires of anti-Semitism. There is nothing that really hurts me, and my Jewish brethren more than this because we all understand that the disproportionate and completely baseless hate for the Jews is far from ending, and it is causing many of us to believe the lies that are said about us at time. We have the mass media to thank for that.
     I have been following the various threads [pages] on Facebook such as "IDF", "JSpace", and so on looking at the different news postings that they provide as well as hearing from the locals who are actually experiencing the hardships of war over there. What I see instead are a mass flood of pro-terrorist trolls posting mean and hateful things about we, the Jews. We are either pigs, sons of satan, sons of pigs, who hail from "IsraHELL", and so on. The amount of senseless hate is thick and heavy to say the least. And it weighs on us. I have been doing my part however to combat the pro-terrorists, and terrorists on the various post comments... it's like a comment war actually. I post, they post, I post, they post. But hopefully I am getting through to them, or at least to somebody out there. I can only pray that I am.

      One argument (or accusation) I see a lot is that Israel does not, nor has ever belonged to the Jewish people from many of these extreme and highly uneducated Muslims. Well, I have news for them and I am not alone on this. The Quran actually says that the land was written for us, and I can prove it (below):

Quran 5 (Al-Maeda): 19-21
  "O People of the Scripture! Now hath Our messenger come unto you to make things plain unto you after an interval (of cessation) of the messengers, lest ye should say: There came not unto us a messenger of cheer nor any warner. Now hath a messenger of cheer and a warner come unto you. Allah is Able to do all things. (19) And (remember) when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Remember Allah's favour unto you, how He placed among you prophets, and He made you kings, and gave you that (which) He gave not to any (other) of (His) creatures. (20) O my people! Go into the holy land which Allah hath ordained for you. Turn not in flight, for surely ye turn back as losers: (21)

    I have found of course that when they are faced with this text, they have very little if nothing at all to say. However, I did have one fellow tell me to read further on to verse 26, and it says we never entered the land of Israel... so I copy and pasted the whole thing. (verses continued on below)

"They said: O Moses! Lo! a giant people (dwell) therein and lo! we go not in till they go forth from thence. When they go forth from thence, then we will enter (not till then). (22) Then outspoke two of those who feared (their Lord, men) unto whom Allah had been gracious: Enter in upon them by the gate, for if ye enter by it, lo! ye will be victorious. So put your trust (in Allah) if ye are indeed believers. (23) They said: O Moses! We will never enter (the land) while they are in it. So go thou and thy Lord and fight! We will sit here. (24) He said: My Lord! I have control of none but myself and my brother, so distinguish between us and the wrong-doing folk. (25)(Their Lord) said: For this the land will surely be forbidden them for forty years that they will wander in the earth, bewildered. So grieve not over the wrongdoing folk. (26)"

   I'd post the Arabic as well, but I does NOT copy and paste at all well on this blogger. Sorry.. You  can however look for yourself online at the following Online Quran Website. But as you can see, what he said was not the case at all. In fact, this is a really small paraphrase of our Exodus story. This is what happens when the Muslims don't know their Quran, or "The Book" (Torah). What is further perplexing, and I called this man out on this, is that he was willing to change the supposed "word of G-d". If you believe with all of your heart that the Quran is the Word of G-d, then why would you manipulate it? Why would you change it? He never answered me, and then of course the hate mongering began once again by the pro-Hamas people plaguing the message boards.

    Another thing I have seen a lot as of late is the, "I don't hate Jews. I hate Zionists." argument A LOT. You know, no person said it better than Martin Luther King Jr. who said the following:

". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.

"Anti-semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so......."

                                                                                            -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    His letter is actually a very beautiful thing to read, and really sums up everything that I am trying to tell people. I want them to understand that there is no difference where they are trying to find one. To be an anti-Semite started with a man by the name of Wilhelm Marr, and was created to try and "distance" himself from being racist, per se, to being merely an "anti-Semite". However, no matter how many times to try to rename a circle... a circle will forever be a circle. To be an anti-Semite is to be Anti-Jew. To be a Jew is not to be a part of a Religion, but a Nation. We are a people through and through, and no matter what the senseless hate mongering trolls (people who post infuriating comments to cause unrest) try to distance themselves from, the fact remains that this is racism as much as it is anything else.

    I want my Muslim cousins to realize what is really going on here, deep down inside. I know you are in a totalitarian country where you know only what your leaders want to know. But listen, really listen to me: When you see your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters doing things that is abhorrent and an insult to your religion that you hold so dear, stop supporting them. A person recently posted that the Quran says that they HAVE to kill all Jews. Everyone asked him where it says that. He responded, "Go look for yourself Jewish Pigs. Jew son of satan.." and so on... Let me tell you, if that is true... then why say that Islam is the religion of perfect peace? You have 2.2 billion followers in the world and yet we are still in chaos? You would think that 1/3 of the world would be in perfect harmony, yet you have Muslims killing other Muslims every day on top of non-Muslim persecution. So where is your peace?

    Certainly no Jew is dragging a Muslim body through the streets, nor a Jewish or non-Jewish one for that matter. You lost people support these guys on the motorcycles? They murdered 6 of your own people under the guise that they were "spies" only to further their propagandist agenda. What is more is that you other fellow Gazans gathered together in a mob, and beat and spit on the bodies before dragging the one above through the city. How is your religion so tranquil and peaceful then if you 1) have no respect for yourselves 2) no respect for your brethren 3) no respect for humans in general, and 4) no respect for the living or the dead. All this, and you are telling ME that your are a religion of peace? Let's be realistic here!

    A friend of mine recently sent me a message, and I would like to share the full posting here, if you don't mind. I took a screenshot and blotted out his name for his protection, and well, you know I am Mordechai, heh:

    You can see that I made my point very very clear here, and I never received a response... because there is none to give really. If we look at the big picture here and understand that the battle is between THREE Abramic Faiths- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Two of the three are offshoots of Judaism.. with Islam being a really bad carbon copy of its predecessors. If you look at the three books Torah, New Testament, and Quran they all say Israel is for the Jews. No question about it. So who are the Islamic extremists, and far leftist Christians really arguing with? You can't argue with a book, you'd get put in a straight jacket for that. SO obviously since you cannot argue with an inanimate object, you have only G-d to argue with. And since Christianity and Islam both claim their books are divinely inspired by G-d, they have a real problem on their hands since G-d says Israel belongs to the Jews. Who is really occupying who then? If Israel belongs to the Jewish people, and the Muslims know that but refuse to honor it then it is really the extremist Muslims who are occupying territory they know full well belongs to their Jewish cousins.
    With that being the case, then you have to understand my Palestinian cousins, sons of Ishmael, sons of Avraham- You are in violation of your Quran by supporting the homegrown terrorists that you harbor, and give money to, and provide human shields for, and feed.

    I really want to reach out to my Muslim cousins who really do not understand. I want to educate them in our beautiful Torah which has not changed since the time G-d gave it to us 3,700 years ago. I want them to see the full picture, and really understand what is going on. My best friend is a Muslim, and I love him to death. I desperately want to educate him, and I know he knows already. In fact, he in no way supports these lunatics that are trying and have tried over the many hundreds and hundreds of years to eradicate us Jews form the face of the earth. He always tells me, "they're crazy man..", and I have to agree. He is not the only Muslim I have met who have said the same thing. I have a dear friend from Iraq who, through him, I learned so much more about what is really going on in extreme Islamic indoctrination. But he is a proud free thinker, and now a proud citizen of the USA. He and his family support Israel and their existence... and he is a Muslim. Knowing this, I have hope. I have hope that the people of Gaza will question their so-called "leaders", and start thinking for themselves. Maybe someday they will come to understand what is really going on. They see the lying daily in the appropriately names "Pallywood" where people fake injuries, death, stage gory scenes, and so on to pull at the heartstrings of the international audience. They know that the same coffin, with the same body, has been carted around for days. They know that the tragic bodies of the death are being constantly moved and staged elsewhere to manipulate the media.
    They know it as much as the corrupt media knows it.

    It is time to say enough is enough.
    Enough of abusing of the dead.
    Enough of the inhumanity.
    Enough of the abuse.
    Enough of the lies.
    Enough of the hate.
    Enough of the killing. Just say it:

If you really think this is all about land, think about it. It was never about land. Look at the Hamas charter which commits itself to the destruction of Israel. Look at the people taht voted Hamas into power. It was never about land. It never has been. This is Antri-Semitism, this is Racism, this is Anti-Jew. We should call it exactly how it is, and stop beating around the bush. Let's stop being politically correct. The Nazi's only played a small part in the mass Jewish migration. We never fully left Israel, but the majority remained in diaspora. We still do today. I think the Russians played a far larger part in Jews fleeing back to their homeleand. But remember that extremist Islam supported and continue to support these kinds of people. They did not expect the Jews to survive, yet we did. Our oppressors or persecutors throughout history tried and tried to subdue, abuse, rape, and force us into submission and when that all failed they tried to eradicate us- And failed. We beat them all. We will continue to beat them all.

    If you think for one moment that the Jewish people are not beinf protected and guided by G-d, then I ask you to look back at history. Tell me, really honestly tell me, could such a small people have survived like we did and maintain to autonomy like we did? No. Absolutely not. But we did. We beat them all, and will continue to defy the laws of history. Why? Because HaShem is with us.

       Have a wonderful night, and be well.


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